Experts in Supply Chain Optimization
Many organizations have realized that they should be implementing supply chain management right now, because it reduces costs, improves service and strengthens a company’s competitive position in the chain. If they take a half-hearted approach to supply chain management, they will rapidly lose their competitive edge.
So what’s the key to implementing supply chain management successfully? And how can you create supply chain agility while reducing your costs and boosting customer satisfaction?
The Supply Chain Optimization Method by BLMC (SCOMB)
Supply Chain Analysis
A benchmarking tool which enables us to assess the level of supply chain integration within your organization. Based on our findings, we work with you to identify areas for improvement and possible solutions.
Result: the output is a detailed and context-specific step-by-step plan based on prioritized projects that will take your organization to the next level of supply chain performance.
Read moreGijs Dolmans
Supply Chain Analysis Consultant
To measure is to know. With the help of scientific supply chain tools, we analyse your supply chain and then draw up a tailor-made improvement plan.
Gijs Dolmans

Supply Chain Strategy
This module has two aims: better customer value and more profit. One important activity is to differentiate your supply chain based on product-market combinations (PMCs). We create the optimal balance between cash, cost and service for each PMC. This ultimately enables us to develop a company-specific blueprint that outlines how information, goods and money can flow through your supply chain as effectively and efficiently as possible.
Result: you eliminate unnecessary costs and can offer the highest possible customer value per PMC.
Read moreRob Heutink
Supply Chain Strategy Consultant
Think before you act. Developing the right supply chain strategy for each product-market combination enables you to lay the foundation for a smooth-running supply chain.
Rob Heutink

Data Analytics & KPI’s
We conduct data analysis to identify the optimal balance between cash, cost and service for each product-market combination (PMC). First of all, in close consultation with you, we decide which data is required. Depending on which system you work with, we either conduct the analysis internally or utilize BLMC’s tools and technology. Following the analysis, we meet with you to discuss which KPIs are relevant for each supply chain. We then set and implement measurable KPI targets.
Result: you can make sound decisions within the supply chain triangle of service, cost and cash based on quantitative analysis.
Read moreNiek Bloemendaal
Supply Chain Data-Analysis Consultant
From emotional thinking to rational thinking. Supply chain data analysis removes the emotion from the discussion and provides real insight as the basis for making rational decisions.
Niek Bloemendaal

Supply Chain Processes
Besides the existing department-driven (vertical) processes, customer-driven (horizontal) processes are needed in order to execute the supply chain strategy for each PMC. The supply chain processes must clearly reflect the choices you have made in your supply chain strategy. For example, a process aimed at generating responsiveness has a very different setup from one that is intended to reduce costs. We use special process analysis techniques to define these supply chain processes and link them to your strategic objectives.
Result: conflicting interests in the supply chain are replaced by synergy and a shared goal: optimal customer service.
Read moreEdward Heijnen
Supply Chain Process Consultant
Who is responsible for what? If that’s not clear, the supply chain processes won’t work and people will soon point the finger at one another saying they assumed someone else would do it.
Edward Heijnen

Roles & Responsibilities
This part of the project is focused on the employees who form part of the supply chain processes. We utilize the well-known RASCI method, derived from the horizontal processes, to define the roles and responsibilities of each member of the team. This ensures close alignment and improves collaboration between the employees by providing transparency in terms of each individual’s added value.
Result: this module provides a clear overview of the supply chain processes, making them easy to manage and execute.
Read more“I’m responsible for BLMC’s supply chain optimization business unit and I really love it. Supply chain management has been called the ‘new management science’ and I wholeheartedly agree. Supply chain management entails strategy, data, KPIs, processes, systems, human behaviour… you name it. I enjoy the challenge of all that complexity. But for me, the most important thing of all is that organizations that implement supply chain management as an improvement technique really do achieve a sustainable competitive edge, and ultimately that’s what it’s all about. After all, when it comes to ‘survival of the fittest’, it’s not the strongest but the smartest who survives.”
The expertise ofMichel van Buren

Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP)
S&OP is the backbone of every supply chain; it links the (expected) level of customer demand with the operational processes aimed at meeting that demand. S&OP not only requires good ICT support, but also depends on people’s willingness to get together and share information with one another on a regular basis – to discuss escalations, and to explore and find ways to resolve any apparent conflicts of interest in the supply chain. At BLMC, we have developed our own unique method for optimizing and implementing S&OP. In the more mature phases of S&OP, it can be necessary to utilize specialized tooling by Solventure, a company which is co-owned by BLMC. When implementing the chosen solution, we pay an above-average amount of attention to the human factor which leads to an excellent S&OP process.
Result: close alignment between supply and demand, generating more profit and greater customer satisfaction at lower costs.
Read moreHans van de Sande
Supply Chain S&OP Consultant
The power of S&OP is extraordinary. Good S&OP results in better service, lower costs and a better cash position, such as by reducing inventory.
Hans van de Sande

Leadership & Behaviour
To ensure successful implementation of supply chain management, whether within or between organizations, it is very important that all the professionals involved collaborate well with one another. That might sound obvious in theory, but it is far from easy in practice. There can be conflicting interests within the supply chain, such as between Purchasing, Logistics, Sales, Production and Planning internally, or between suppliers and customers externally. Creating close alignment calls for more than just analysis and practical execution. At BLMC, our supply chain specialists receive ongoing training in behavioural psychology and change management. At every step of your supply chain optimization process, they pay just as much attention to the human factor as they do to the technical and operational factors.
Result: you are assured of sustainable collaboration between all the professionals involved in the chain as the basis for supply chain success.
Read moreMichel van Buren
Director of BLMC Supply Chain Optimization
Although they may not be aware of it, the behaviour of the leaders in the supply chain is often at the heart of an ill-functioning supply chain. And vice versa.
Michel van Buren

Supply chain management is impossible without information & communication technology (ICT) support. That support can range from the use of various stand-alone applications such as Excel for processing data and structuring the S&OP process, to complete ERP systems integrated with specialized and advanced S&OP tooling such as by Solventure. Your organization’s ICT landscape must be aligned with your company’s level of supply chain maturity and with your strategic ambitions. In the BLMC Supply Chain Scan, we assess your ICT landscape and make recommendations.
Result: the improvements are anchored in your organization.
Read moreNiek Bloemendaal
Supply Chain Data-Analysis Consultant
From emotional thinking to rational thinking. Supply chain data analysis removes the emotion from the discussion and provides real insight as the basis for making rational decisions.
Niek Bloemendaal

Supply chain monitoring
The aim is to become a ‘learning organization’ that is able to adapt to market developments and changing customer needs. Therefore, an optimization project is not complete until you have determined how you can continue to measure your performance and how you can take corrective action quickly if necessary. Supply chain management is a way of working based on a shared, open view and the agility to respond to changing circumstances. Staying continually alert to such changes enables you to stay ahead of the competition.
Result: Thanks to the Monitor, your organization can continuously adapt to the changing market and maintain its competitive edge.
Read moreNiek Bloemendaal
Supply Chain Data-Analysis Consultant
From emotional thinking to rational thinking. Supply chain data analysis removes the emotion from the discussion and provides real insight as the basis for making rational decisions.
Niek Bloemendaal

The benefits of an optimized supply chain
The ultimate benefit is an agile supply chain in which conflicting interests have been eliminated and performance is continuously measurable, resulting in the ability to rise to future challenges at lower costs while achieving greater customer satisfaction and a higher service level. We turn your supply chain into a sustainable competitive advantage.

25% average increase in
on-time deliveries

41% average reduction
in inventory levels

35% average decline
in machine downtime

17% average rise in
production efficiency

17% average drop in
freight costs
Where are you missing out on profit? Complete the free Supply Chain Analysis Light questionnaire and find out in just ten minutes!

- Anticipate the future better and faster
- Smoother collaboration within the team
- Greater customer satisfaction
- Agility to respond to customers' wants and needs
- More effective decision-making
- Easier to control
- Improved financial planning
- Streamlined communication
- More focus on responsibilities
- Supply chain analysis light

“I’m responsible for BLMC’s supply chain optimization business unit and I really love it. Supply chain management has been called the ‘new management science’ and I wholeheartedly agree. Supply chain management entails strategy, data, KPIs, processes, systems, human behaviour… you name it. I enjoy the challenge of all that complexity. But for me, the most important thing of all is that organizations that implement supply chain management as an improvement technique really do achieve a sustainable competitive edge, and ultimately that’s what it’s all about. After all, when it comes to ‘survival of the fittest’, it’s not the strongest but the smartest who survives.”
The expertise ofMichel van Buren
The company
With close to 20 years of experience, BLMC has been involved in the evolution of supply chain management from the very start. Not least thanks to our close partnerships with Nyenrode, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences and the University of Twente, we stay continuously up to date with the very latest developments in the supply chain field
In 2012, after concluding that the philosophy of supply chain management was catching on too slowly in the Netherlands, we worked together with Prof Dr Jack van der Veen from Business Universiteit Nyenrode to set up the Supply Chain Excellence Leadership Platform (SCELP). Nowadays, 40 supply chain leaders from companies such as Lamb Weston Meijer, Pepsico and Technische Unie gather once every quarter to foster the development of the discipline as a whole while also learning from one another.
In collaboration with Nyenrode Business Universiteit, we conduct the National Supply Chain Monitor (NSCM) every year, aimed at assessing the extent to which supply chain management has been implemented within Dutch companies.
Windesheim’s degree course in logistics and economics celebrated its 15th anniversary on 20 June 2017. To mark the occasion Windesheim University of Applied Sciences partnered up with BLMC to organize a conference called ‘Successful Supply Chain Management Implementation’ designed for logistics managers and other stakeholders in the supply chain.
Besides that, we organize the Supply Chain Professional of the Year award in conjunction with Supply Chain Media, and we also organize the Supply Chain Interim Manager of the Year award.
Thanks to our SCOMB method and our role as co-owner of Solventure in the Netherlands, which is a specialist in S&OP tooling and analytics solutions, we are able to assist you with any supply chain issues. We help to optimize your entire supply chain, from initial advice and design through to implementation.
We believe in the power of successfully implemented supply chain management, in our method, in our specialists and in ourselves. That’s why part of our fee is linked to the objectives that we set together with each customer. That part of the fee is only charged to the customer if we achieve those objectives as agreed.
In cooperation with:
In 2012, after concluding that the philosophy of supply chain management was catching on too slowly in the Netherlands, we worked together with Prof Dr Jack van der Veen from Nyenrode Business Universiteit to set up the Supply Chain Excellence Leadership Platform (SCELP). Nowadays, 40 supply chain leaders from companies such as Lamb Weston Meijer, Pepsico and Technische Unie gather once every quarter to foster the development of the discipline as a whole while also learning from one another.
BLMC conference
Windesheim’s degree course in logistics and economics celebrated its 15th anniversary on 20 June 2017. To mark the occasion, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences partnered up with BLMC to organize a conference called ‘Successful Supply Chain Management Implementation’ designed for logistics managers and other stakeholders in the supply chain.
Supply Chain Professional & Interim Manager of the Year
Besides that, we organize the Supply Chain Professional of the Year award in conjunction with Supply Chain Media, and we also organize the Supply Chain Interim Manager of the Year award.
BLMC is assessed on average with a 9 out of 10 by 1 clients